速報APP / 社交 / BroCast: Live stream

BroCast: Live stream





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:306 Victoria House, Victoria, Mahe. Seychelles

BroCast: Live stream(圖1)-速報App

BroCast is a free multimedia social platform with dynamic "Real-Time" contents. Our purpose is to make possible for every connected human being to record unfolding news and instantly share with the rest of the world.

✓ Access instantly videos, from events happening NOW

✓ Shoot and stream your videos LIVE

BroCast: Live stream(圖2)-速報App

✓ Witness and share with the world as it unfolds in front of your eyes

✓ Create public or private channels and build own community

✓ Instantly share exclusive moments with friends and channels

✓ Broadcast LIVE video from your phone for free

The live streaming helps people to broadcast own exclusive video sessions in Real­Time from all over the world where Internet is accessible.